NOVE, Caring Humans

We call ourselves NOVE (‘nine’) because the number symbolizes those who desire collective well-being. We are Caring Humans, holding other human beings dear to our hearts.

What we believe in

We believe in the inclusion of the whole society, in the strategic role of women in sustainable and responsible socio-economic development, in the value of diversity, in the sharing of knowledge, and in the creation of a network of solidarity without limitations.
We believe in the possibility of a peaceful and just world, with respect for the dignity and rights of every human being, and the safeguarding of the ecosystem and natural resources.

How we work

The experience gleaned by our members in various fields of international cooperation and our strongly motivated staff enable us to confront emergencies in real time and to successfully implement projects for socio-economic sustainable development. All our
activities favor those who often are more vulnerable, in particular women, children and people with disabilities. We work alongside other trusted organizations, and we limit costs and apply transparency in our operations.









Our Projects

Projects in which NOVE is involved

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Bread for Women (BfW)

Il progetto Bread for Women unisce intervento umanitario e di sviluppo. Parte da Kabul, ma è stato concepito per essere esteso ad altre regioni più bisognose e remote dell’Afghanistan. con l’obiettivo di generare un impatto economico positivo su larga scala.

Present Future

Il progetto Futuro Presente fornisce un aiuto mirato e personalizzato a donne e minorenni residenti in Italia, con un livello di vulnerabilità medio alto, per superare un momento di emergenza e favorire la loro inclusione sociale.

Caring for Women in Emergency (CWE)

CWE is the emergency program launched by NOVE contributing to the survival of women heads of households, their children and other people in a highly vulnerable state.

Gorse in the desert


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A life lived for others

Members of NOVE

A life lived for others

Members of NOVE

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