
Invisible Children

Children in Afghanistan represent 48.5% of the population or 20 million persons (UN, 2022). 13.1 million Afghan children are currently in need of humanitarian assistance. Among children under five, one in two suffers from severe malnutrition (UNICEF, 2023). Due to a lack of basic services, an estimated 212 children died every day in 2022. As such, Afghanistan has become a hell for children.

NOVE helps Afghan children suffering from hunger, cold and all the dramatic consequences of poverty, war and violence. In addition to supporting their parents with emergency and development activities, NOVE has dedicated this particular project to the direct care of children living in orphanages and foster homes.

From 2012 to 2019, as part of Invisible Children we have contributed each year to the costs of food, clothing, medical care, heating, educational material, staff and whatever else is needed for 30 minors of different ethnicities, victims of trauma, taken in by House of Flowers in Kabul, the only Afghan family home to adopt the Montessori method.

In 2022, we also helped cover the expenses of the Window of Hope home in Kabul, which houses 25 children with intellectual and physical disabilities.

Since March 2022, we have been continuously providing daily meals, heating, basic necessities and school materials to the 50 minors housed in the Kapisa public orphanage under an official agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Taliban Emirate. Our staff monitor the conditions of all the minors on a weekly basis and verify that the donated goods are received in full by them. In all, we have supported 105 minors.

Afghanistan – Kabul and Kapisa. 2012-2023.

DONOR: Only the Brave Foundation.

OPERATIVE PARTNERS: Ministero del Lavoro e degli Affari Sociali dell’Emirato Islamico d’Afghanistan.

Amount spent on the project

€ 664,00 ANNO 2020
€ 15.969,28 ANNO 2022

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Categories: Progetti