Special contributions

Story of a positive discrimination

I have been living in Afghanistan since 1990 and work with people who have been directly disabled by war -such as victims of landmines-, or who have motor problems due to disease, accidents, congenital causes. The work consists of physical rehabilitation (physiotherapy, prostheses, wheelchairs), and social inclusion (through school, vocational courses, micro-loans, employment and sport) to reintegrate the disabled person into society with a dignified role. This is the ultimate and most difficult goal.

Modern slavery and human trafficking in Afghanistan

All humans are born free, yet some of us are still enslaved. I don’t remember exactly the first time I met a victim, but I vividly remember her gaze instead. Our eyes met only for a few seconds, during which she stared at me with a blank, despairing and terrified look.

The challenge of employment for migrant women in Italy

It is essential to understand immigration in Italy from the point of view of women, who today represent half of the foreigners in Italy. A gender vision allows us to address multiple problems to which migrant women seek practical solutions and not mere rhetoric.