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NOVE e Avvenire per le donne Afghane
NOVE e Avvenire per le donne Afghane Nabila e le altre: «Noi, disoccupate per forza» Il divieto talebano che ha imposto la chiusura dei centri estetici ha lasciato senza lavoro decine di migliaia di donne. Tra queste anche molte delle donne che avevano frequentato i corsi di formazione professionale di NOVE. Su Avvenire le loro [...] Read More >>
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Rassegna stampa 2023
Rassegna stampa 2023 03/01/23 - Lavorare in Afghanistan nonostante l'editto dei talebani -  Intervista a Flavia Mariani: https://www.ilfoglio.it/esteri/2023/01/03/news/lavorare-in-afghanistan-nonostante-l-editto-dei-talebani-il-racconto-di-nove-onlus-4816350/ https://propubblica.it/esteri/101002-lavorare-in-afghanistan-nonostante-leditto-dei-talebani-il-racconto-di-nove-onlus/ 03/01/23 -  NOVE racconta le drammatiche conseguenze dell'editto talebano in Afghanistan - Comunicato: http://www.korazym.org/83479/la-ong-nove-racconta-le-drammatiche-conseguenze-delleditto-talebano-in-afghanistan/  09/01/23 - Diretta Radio Bullets con Susanna Fioretti, Riccardo Noury, Barbara Schiavulli, Angela Gennaro: https://fb.watch/hYTelw13IA/ 11/01/23 - Vatican News radio  – diretta [...] Read More >>
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Selling cosmetics in Afghanistan. Laila's story

Laila is 25 years old, lives in Kabul and started working after attending NOVE's professional training courses in business development.
6 months ago, she started an online store for women's cosmetics and beauty products. It sells both Afghan and foreign products and is also a wholesaler supplying beauty products to some shops in Kabul markets (…)

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A new beginning. Nisar's story

Nisar is twelve years old and has been living in the Kapisa orphanage for a year and a half now. His father died 9 years ago, 2 years ago, due to a serious illness, he also lost his mother. The older sister, aged 20, got married and moved to Iran. When their mother died, Nisar and his 13-year-old sister Behista moved in with their uncle, the only remaining relative (...)

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It felt like a sword had pierced my soul. Nabila's Story

At the time I did not have a very profitable job. To make things worse, my mother-in-law and my husband used to work occasional jobs and we managed to survive only by putting together all the earnings. After the Taliban's return, the crisis got worse and worse. The prices became increasingly higher and work started to become scarce. I was eventually fired and and my job opportunities became so sporadic that they could not sustain us anymore.

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A life away from preoccupation and poverty. The story of Rustam

Rustam is 9 years old and his younger brother, Omer, is 7. They both lived with their parents until August 2021. However, after the enforcement of the Taliban regime, their father became a drug addict and left his family to never come back again. To this day, they are unaware of his location. They do not even know whether he is still alive or not (...)

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Always fight for life. The story of M. and her mother N.

When the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan in August 2021, those who could, tried to reach the airport and flee the country on the first evacuation flight available. N. is a well-educated woman, she used to work in the international field and, at that time, she was about to give birth to a daughter. Had they remained in Afghanistan, their survival would have been at risk (...)

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Storia della Discriminazione positiva

Vivo in Afghanistan dal 1990 e mi occupo di persone rese disabili direttamente dalla guerra -come le vittime delle mine anti-uomo-, o con problemi motori dovuti a malattie, incidenti, cause congenite. Il lavoro consiste nella riabilitazione fisica (fisioterapia, protesi, carrozzine), e nell’inclusione sociale (attraverso la scuola, corsi professionali, micro-prestiti, impiego e sport) per reinserire la persona disabile nella società con un ruolo dignitoso. È l’obiettivo finale e il più difficile.

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Thrown into a new world. The story of S. and H.

S. and H. are sisters and they fled Afghanistan two years ago with their parents and three newly of-age sisters. In Afghanistan, they used to live a privileged life, thanks to the position held by their father. The older girls attended university whereas the younger ones attended school. They had a life full of friends, relatives and things to do (...)