
SOS Children Italy

In 2015, when the project was launched,”S.O.S Children”,according to statistics in Italy more than 1 million 300 thousand minors were in a state of destitution and almost 100 thousand were victims of mistreatment or abuse.

NOVE helped 32 children deprived of the necessities to grow up healthy and serene by offering, depending on the case, specialised medical care, psychological support to overcome a serious trauma, educational support, indispensable goods and services, or the possibility to practice sports and therapeutic activities. It also provided assistance to parents who, although willing, were unable to adequately care for their children.

Italy – Rome and Milan. 2015-2017.

OPERATIVE PARTNERS: CBM (Milano) e I Diritti Civili nel 2000, Salvabebè/Salvamamme (Roma).

Amount spent on the project

€ 53.435 for the year 2020

Categories: Projects