This project, aimed at minors at risk of social invisibility and their families, takes place in Italy. Its aim is to fight against isolation and educational poverty, and to support parenting.
Sport4Equality project consists of an integrated pathway of tutoring, monitoring and prevention, both at the socio-educational and metacognitive levels, offered to a group of minors in severe socio-economic hardship and to another group of minors with physical disabilities.
The minors involved are placed free of charge for three years in a sports programme, which they decide on themselves, choosing between football, athletics, modern pentathlon, volleyball, swimming, judo, muay thai and skating. At the same time, they also receive psychological support. In these strategic activities they experiment, measuring individual and collective capacities and limits, guided by specialised professionals. This contributes significantly to overcoming complexes and strengthening self-esteem, amplifying the boys’ and girls’ capacity for socialisation, resilience and team spirit, reducing the risks of exclusion and giving them tools to face the challenges of everyday life in a positive way.
Minors can also participate in workshops on digital education and combating cyberbullying, receiving training on the critical and conscious use of social networks. This knowledge is very relevant for social integration and to prevent risks related to their online participation.
During the course of the project, other needs emerged, to which NOVE responded by reinforcing psychological support activities and offering individual meetings to both parents and minors involved. Parenting support courses have also been set up, focusing on communication and affectivity issues, to help develop listening and a feeling of community. These appointments are conducted by specialists who, assisted by the coordinating psychologist, work in a network on information/training in different topics, for example those related to the school environment and food education.
Sport4Equality project makes use of the collaboration of specialised partners: an approach that has proved to be a significant accelerator for social inclusion. The practice of sport combined with the psychological and educational pathway has led both young people and parents to a process of individual and collective awareness, crucial for building a positive environment in which to grow up in a healthy and balanced way.
Italy, Rome 2021-2024
PARTNERS: Sport Senza Frontiere Onlus, Federazione Italiana Sport Paralimpici e Sperimentali (FISPES), Il Ponte – Social Promotion Association.
DONORS: LG Investimenti Spa, Ri-Diamo Onlus, FIMA Immobiliare SRL, Associazione PIC.