
LIFELINE Emergency Programme (LEP)

After the Taliban seizure of power and the freezing of international aid, NOVE stepped in to help alleviate the suffering of the Afghan population with the Lifeline Emergency Programme, which has three components. In all, more than 22,000 people have been supported.

  • NO HUNGER: rapid response to the extreme need for food of Afghans in absolute poverty – especially women, children and people with disabilities. In Kabul, food rations were distributed to 200 families (1,330 people), providing each one with 153 kg of food monthly for 2 months. In Kapisa, cash contributions were given to 979 people (200 families with women heads of household) for 2 months.

  • FIREWOOD: very cold winter temperatures kill many people who cannot afford fuel or heaters. Between December 2021 and February 2022, NOVE donated enough stoves and wood to heat 1,820 people for the winter.

  • MOBILE CLINIC: LEP also helped protect the health of the weakest people by supporting the mobile clinic of the Afghan Family Guidance Association (AFGA), one of Afghanistan’s oldest non-governmental organisations. NOVE’s support enabled AFGA, which offers medical and reproductive health services in 6 districts of Kabul, to care for 18,200 more people (1,300 people per month for 14 months).

Afghanistan, Kabul and Kapisa. 2021-2022.

OPERATIVE PARTNERS: Afghan Family Guidance Association (AFGA), Hand in Hand Afghanistan (HiHAo).

DONORS: Only The Brave Foundation, 8X1000 Tavola Valdese, Trust nel Nome della Donna, Linda Norgrove Foundation.

Amount spent for the project

€ 63.462 YEAR 2021
€ 132.295,99 YEAR 2022

Categories: Projects