
Lend an hand

Italy, Rome. 2019. Beneficiaries: 12.

The project emerged from combining two previous NOVE’s initiatives: Migranti in FormAzione, support for asylum seekers and Dai una Mano a un Italiano (Lend a hand to an Italian), dedicated to vulnerable Italians. Its aim was to offer vocational training and job placement opportunities to people of all nationalities who find themselves in serious socio-economic difficulties and need to achieve or recover their autonomy. According to ISTAT data, 6.4% of households in Italy lived in absolute poverty in 2018. In this context, NOVE launched a vocational course for assistant cooks for 12 beneficiaries from 8 different nationalities (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Italy, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria and Peru). The course was provided by the ‘Il Faro di Susanna Agnelli’ Foundation. People who successfully completed it were then offered paid training placements in order to broaden their job prospects, strengthen their knowledge and skills and put them in direct contact with potential employers.

OPERATIVE PARTNERS: 13th and 15th Municipalities of Rome; Caritas; Casa delle Donne; Associazione I Diritti Civili nel 2000 – Salvabebè / Salvamamme; Cooperativa Sociale EtaBeta, Foundation “Il Faro, di Susanna Agnelli”

Categories: Projects