Prossimi Cittadini (Future Citizens)
The project is aimed at the protection and socio-economic inclusion of Afghan refugees – applicants for international protection and unaccompanied minors, who arrived in Italy after the regime change of August 2021, who were not included in the CAS / SAI reception circuit and lacked means of subsistence.
Prossimi Cittadini (Future Citizens) focuses on both first and second reception in Italy. In the first phase of entry into the territory, in arrival and transit areas, the project provides orientation and socio-legal information. The objective is to ensure proper protection and full protection of the rights of applicants in the different stages of the asylum procedure and then of family reunification, with support in collecting the necessary documents, as well as guaranteeing Afghan nationals access to qualified services.
The next phase consists of an ad hoc social accompaniment activity aimed at launching socio-economic inclusion paths, starting from an analysis of the needs of both the individual and the family unit. Concretely, the intervention consists of contributions in the fields of training, work and education, scholarships; contributions and services to support the family and health; as well as contributions in the housing area.
In addition, Future Citizens provides targeted support to the representativeness of the Afghan diaspora, with empowerment measures aimed at individuals and refugee associations.
The project is operational in two strategic areas of the Italian territory: in the province of Trieste, a north-eastern border point affected by the entry of thousands of applicants from Afghanistan and in need of international protection; in Rome and its province, where many of them converge attracted by prospects of integration.
One of the keys to the success of Prossimi Cittadini (Future Citizens) is the network of qualified partners in the various areas of intervention and the territories involved. The lead partner is the Italian Council for Refugees (CIR), sponsored by the Italian Delegation of the UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).
NOVE works in partnership with CIR on socio-economic inclusion interventions in the territory of Rome and its province. In the work area, it focuses on the vocational retraining of Afghan women, which includes the recognition of qualifications and the activation of apprenticeships and vocational courses. Again with CIR and its other partners – the Caritas Foundation of Trieste and Cooperativa Lybra Onlus – NOVE carries out family support activities, as well as empowerment activities aimed at acquiring useful skills to promote an active role of the Afghan community in the planning of protection interventions
Italy – start October 2023. Duration 18 months
DONORS: 8×1000 della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri