
COVID-19 Emergency in Italy

In Rome and Ladispoli, NOVE responded to the urgent need for food triggered by the pandemic. To this end,NOVE contributed to the purchase of food supplies distributed to 132 families and 161 homeless people.

In Salerno and Roccapiemonte, food was distributed to 110 families. Food supplies were bought from small local producers cultivating farmland seized from Mafia.

Furthermore, 6,600 individual meals were distributed to Mensa dei Poveri di San Francesco (soup kitchen) and Easter eggs donated to families with young children.

Beneficiaries: 718 people.

Italia – Roma, Ladispoli, Salerno e Roccapiemonte. 2020.

OPERATIVE PARTNERS: Croce Rossa Italiana (Comitati XV Municipio e II e III Municipio di Roma e Santa Severa/Santa Marinella), Cooperativa L’Accoglienza, Coldiretti Salerno, Cooperativa Sociale Esperanto.

DONORS: Associazione PIC, MF Law studio legale.

Amount spent for the project

€ 19.513 YEAR 2020

Categories: Projects